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Attosecond light science and its application for probing quantum materials

In this paper, the authors review the development and application of coherent short wavelength light sources implemented using the high harmonic generation (HHG) process, such as the KMLabs by Brad Sohnlein

Tags: High Harmonic, XUUS, Ti:Sapphire, HHG, Coherent Diffractive Imaging, Mask Inspection, Phase Retrieval, X-Ray Imaging, Semiconductor, EUV, imaging, lithography, nanoscale characterization, semiconductor technology, VUV, ARPES, time-resolved ARPES, extreme ultraviolet source, materials characterization, quantum, soft X-ray, surface-to-near-surface, ultrafast spectroscopy

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Ultrahigh 22 nm resolution EUV coherent diffraction imaging using a tabletop 13 nm high harmonic source

We implement coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) using a phase-matched high-harmonic generation (HHG) source at 13 nm, demonstrating reconstructed images with a record 22 nm resolution for any tabletop, light-based microscope. We also demonstrate the first reflection-mode CDI using a compact extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source, achieving ...

by Seaberg M, Adams D, Zhang B, Gardner D, Murnane M, Kapteyn H

Tags: HHG, Coherent Diffractive Imaging, Mask Inspection, Phase Retrieval, X-Ray Imaging

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