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The KMLabs Griffin™ series of Ti:sapphire oscillators gives customers ultimate control over their system, are simple to maintain, and offer a wide range of performance specifications enabling many different applications.  These prism-based oscillators use Kerr lens modelocking to generate ultrashort < 12 fs pulses.  All Griffin lasers include computerized control of the spectral bandwidth and center wavelength and water-cooled breadboards for maximum long term stability. There are options within the Griffin series that include integrated pump lasers and diagnostics. Griffin lasers are very simple to maintain, since components are easily accessible.


  • Frequency conversion into the UV and mid-IR
  • Pumping OPO
  • Materials Research
  • Femtochemistry
  • Spectroscopy
  • THz Generation
  • Ultrafast Imaging
  • 2-photon polymerization
  • Pump-probe experiments

A KMLabs Griffin oscillator was used as the front end seed of a 0.85 PW laser amplifier system operating at 3.3 Hz.

Product Configurations:

Griffin-Prime    <25 fs, >0.8 W, 700-920 nm tuning range, 80-95 MHz

Custom configurations available

Griffin – Ti:sapphire Oscillator Family

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