Arterium HHG Beamline Configuration
Module functional visualization
HHG raw output contains IR pump background (red) and EUV beam (purple).

Functionality is EUV optic dependent
No module selected
Grating module
Toroid module
Z-fold module
Diode module
Pinhole module

Build a beamline based on applications
Contact us for more customized beamline configurations.

Common configurations
No configuration selected
Imaging Spectrometer
CDI / Ptychography
Pump - probe , ARPES
Multiple experiments

Module look-up table
KMLabs has made custom specialty modules/chambers/end stations beyond the standard list here. Contact us for more information.

Name | Description | Comments |
Rejector module pair | For removing high power 800nm. Rejection ratio 20:1 per rejector. | First one is fixed and water-cooled. Second one is steerable. Different EUV optic used for optimal operation in 30nm vs. 13nm. |
Filter wheel module | EUV Transmission is material dependent. | 28 filter capacity, up to 4 filters in series. Recommendation for optimal filter selections will be given based on customer experiments. |
Toroid module | For focusing all harmonics to a single point in space. | EUV optic at grazing incidence. EUV optic may be customized. |
Z-fold module | For focusing a specific single harmonic of interest to a single point in space. | Two EUV optics at near normal incidence. EUV optic may be customized. |
Diode module | For measuring the photocurrent generated in proportion to the amount of EUV photon flux hitting the diode. | Diode module can be swung in and out of the beamline live. Different diode optic used for optimal operation in 30nm vs. 13nm. |
Grating module | For diffracting EUV harmonics spatially | EUV optic may be customized. |
Pinhole module | For selecting any single harmonic from the EUV full spectrum by spatially moving the pinhole. | Usually purchased in tandem with the toroid module and the grating module. |
Camera module | For measuring spectral content and beam quality of EUV harmonic comb. | |
Switchyard module | For sending the HHG output to up to 3x different experiments and ability to live switch among experiments. | Possible switchyard options, SS, ST, SG, TT, TG, GG. EUV optics may be customized. |
Beam combiner module | For recombining pump beam and EUV probe beam into co-linear propagation into customer’s experiment chamber in HV/UHV environment. | Highly useful to ARPES/pump-probe setup. EUV optic may be customized. |
Differential pumping module | For bringing the default e-6 to e-7 torr to UHV e-9-e-11 torr environment. | Highly useful to ARPES/pump-probe setup. |
KMLabs 有多年超越此处标准列表的模块/腔室/终端站的专业定制经验。联系我们获取更多信息。

名称 | 用途 | 注解 |
滤波模块组 | 用于过滤红外泵浦的背景。 每个模块的过滤比例是20:1. | 第一个过滤的模块是用水冷却的。为了优化极紫外的信号,30纳米和13纳米所对应使用的极紫外光学原件是不同的。 |
滤光片飞轮模块 | 极紫外的透射率和滤光片所采用的材料有关。 | 容量为28片滤光片,同时最多4片联接使用。 根据用户具体实验需求,我们会给出相应优化极紫外信号的专业建议。 |
环形镜模块 | 用于聚焦所有的高次谐波于空间中的一点。 | 一片极紫外光学原件,入射角为掠角。该模块使用的光学原件可根据用户具体需要进行优化定制。 |
Z型折叠模块 | 用于聚焦某一个选定谐波于空间中的一点。 | 两片极紫外光学原件,入射角都为法向。该模块使用的光学原件可根据用户具体需要进行优化定制。 |
光电二极管模块 | 用于测量并读出由极紫外高次谐波信号产生的光电流信号。 | 用户能通过摆动将该模块实时移入或者移出极紫外beamline系统。为了优化极紫外的信号,30纳米和13纳米所对应使用的极紫外光电二极管原件是不同的。 |
光栅模块 | 用于在空间上衍射极紫外高次谐波。 | 该模块使用的光学原件可根据用户具体需要进行优化定制。 |
针孔模块 | 通过移动针孔位置,用于在该高次谐波信号的光谱中,选择其中任意一个谐波 | 该模块通常和环形镜模块以及光栅模块一起使用。 |
相机模块 | 用于测量光谱和极紫外高次谐波信号细节。 | |
开关站模块 | 用于将极紫外信号向最多三个实验beamline方向传输,能无需重新优化信号而实时进行方向改变。 | 可能的开关站光学原件组合,SS, ST, SG, TT, TG, GG。该模块使用的光学原件可根据用户具体需要进行优化定制。 |
光束再结合模块 | 用于将泵浦光束和极紫外探测光束重新结合并同线传输到用户在高真空或极高真空的实验终端环境。 | 对ARPES/泵浦-探测类型的实验非常实用。该模块使用的光学原件可根据用户具体需要进行优化定制。 |
真空泵浦模块 | 用于将默认的e-6到e-7托的高真空环境变成e-9到e-11托的超高真空环境。 | 对ARPES/泵浦-探测类型的实验非常实用。 |
KMLabs quantum microscope product suite
Pantheon extreme ultraviolet (EUV) system provides laser - like radiation up to 130 eV and beyond:
Applications in:
- EUV semiconductor development
- Ultra-high-resolution optical imaging
- Advanced materials nano-scale studies
- Photoelectron spectroscopy