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The 22nd China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE 2020)

Dates:  September 9-11, 2020

Venue:  Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center in Shenzhen, China

Booth number:  2C26

KMLabs, in coordination with our Chinese distributor--Transientek, will have a booth at the upcoming CIOE 2020 show in September.  Transientek will have a booth located at 2C26 staffed with both Sales and Service experts on the full KMLabs product line.

The Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, located just north of Hong Kong in Shenzhen, provides 500,000 m2 of indoor exhibition space, leaving sufficient room to ensure social distancing to keep visitors safe.  

shenzhen convention center

Come join us at CIOE to learn the latest in vacuum ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet, and soft x-ray laser technology.

Can't wait and want to learn now??  Click here to watch a video replay of co-founders Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane giving an overview talk of KMLabs core technology and related applications within chemistry, physics, and materials science.


Filed under: High Harmonic, XUUS, Ti:Sapphire, HHG, Coherent Diffractive Imaging, Mask Inspection, Phase Retrieval, X-Ray Imaging, Semiconductor, EUV, "two-photon imaging", imaging, lithography, nanoscale characterization, 300 mm wafers, semiconductor technology, attolab, imec, VUV, ARPES, time-resolved ARPES, PIM, chemical combustion, extreme ultraviolet source, materials characterization, quantum, spectroscopy, surface-to-near-surface, ultrafast spectroscopy, Atom Probe Tomography, Teaching Lab, highly cascaded harmonic generation

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