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CLEO19 - San Jose, California, May 6, 2019 — KMLabs, Inc., the leader in ultrafast laser technology, today introduces Y-Fi™ VUV, the first commercial femtosecond laser source to deliver vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light, allowing customers to probe material and molecular properties with unprecedented flexibility and on ultrafast time scales.

The discrete tunability of the KMLabs Y-Fi VUV (from 6.0–10.8 eV) enables researchers to study a wide range of materials and materials properties. A simple computer-selected change of photon energy provides a powerful capability, previously only available at a synchrotron. The ability to easily change the laser wavelength can enhance many experiments. For example, in angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments, this tunability allows researchers to distinguish surface effects from bulk effects. For time-of-flight (TOF) studies of molecules, the tunability can distinguish otherwise identical isomers.

Y-Fi VUV is also highly focusable, and the appropriate optics can be used to reach spot sizes below 10 microns. This ability will allow researchers to examine new types of samples, including materials that are polycrystalline, spatially inhomogeneous, faceted, or simply very small.

Y-Fi VUV produces pulses with durations below 250 femtoseconds, enabling researchers to probe ultrafast dynamics of molecules and materials. The 1 MHz repetition rate enables rapid data collection and avoids space-charge effects.

Additionally, Y-Fi VUV is “application ready,” including the appropriate focusing and beam-steering elements to enable fast integration with experimental apparatus. Importantly, Y-Fi VUV can be used with a window between the source and the experimental chamber, guaranteeing that applications demanding ultrahigh vacuum (such as ARPES) will remain contamination-free.

In addition to ARPES, Y-Fi VUV will enable breakthrough research in photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), photoionization mass spectroscopy (PIMS) for combustion research, and other studies of next-generation materials and molecular systems.

Kevin Fahey, CEO of KMLabs, says, “With Y-Fi VUV, we open a new world of materials studies. Not only does it provide the first femtosecond laser source in a scientifically fascinating and technologically important wavelength region, but the degree of tunability of this source will provide incredible insight. It furthers our vision of bringing synchrotron capabilities to the lab.”

Professor of Chemistry, G. Barney Ellison, JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, says, “These laser systems will be transformational in the way chemical combustion research will be carried out. The combination of high brightness and tunability provides us with high signal levels and the ability to uniquely fingerprint chemical compounds.”

Y-Fi VUV is being launched at CLEO ’19 in San Jose, California, as KMLabs celebrates 25 years of advanced photon innovation. The product is immediately available for order globally.

About KMLabs, Inc.

KMLabs delivers record-performing ultrafast fiber and Ti:sapphire laser systems designed for high reliability, flexibility, and power. KMLabs is a world leader in high harmonic generation (HHG) and supplies laser systems capable of delivering attosecond pulses of extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray light for cutting edge applications such as coherent diffraction, photoemission, and EUV metrology. KMLabs also offers lasers and parametric amplifiers specifically engineered for biological multiphoton microscopy. In the IR arena, the company’s Y-Fi systems generate fs, high power pulses at video rates. Biologically focused systems are optimized for 2- and 3-photon imaging and have a broad wavelength range that supports second harmonic, coherent Raman, infrared microscopy, and other modalities to support cutting edge research and diagnostic systems.


KMLabs and Y-Fi are trademarks of KMLabs, Inc. Other trademarks that may be mentioned in this release are the intellectual property of their respective owners.


Media Relations Contact:

Brenda Ropoulos

Sr. Director of Communications

KMLabs, Inc.

E-mail:  bropoulos@kmlabs.com


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Filed under: Semiconductor, nanoscale characterization, semiconductor technology, VUV, ARPES, time-resolved ARPES, PIM, PEEM, chemical combustion

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