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Using a Spectra-Physics Solstice Ace Ti:sapphire-based femtosecond amplifier and a KMLabs’ XUUS-5 high-harmonic-generation system we demonstrate a high flux, stable, coherent EUV light source with photon energies in the range of 30–120 eV.  At-source flux levels of up to 8.0x 1011 photons/sec were achieved using Argon gas at a fixed 1 kHz repetition rate.  In-situ installation and integration was accomplished within days.  These performance levels enable a wide range of scientific applications.

The key results are summarized below.  The following infographic can be downloaded here: Solstice-XUUS-5-Arterium Infographic


Tabletop ultrafast EUV/X-ray lasers are now enabling scientific applications in customer laboratories rather than the large-scale synchrotron facilities that have been historically used for these experiments.  The XUUS-5 high-harmonic generation (HHG) and Arterium™ modular-beamline systems position KMLabs as the world's leading provider of high flux coherent EUV photons.  The compact desktop apparatus spans a wide range of photon energies.  KMLabs achieved these results in collaboration with the Prof. Chih-Hao Chang's laboratory in Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and the Spectra-Physics Lasers business unit of MKS Instruments.

Prof. Chang was very pleased with the XUUS-5 installation and integration results and said, “KMLabs’ expertise in high harmonic generation combined with Spectra-Physics’ widely-used Solstice Ace series laser will keep our laboratory at University of Texas at Austin on the forefront of nanostructure research.”

We report the generation of higher order harmonics from 30 to 120 eV from a commercial capillary-based HHG source, i.e. KMLabs’ XUUS-5, pumped by the fundamental 785 nm, of a Ti:sapphire-based femtosecond laser, Spectra-Physics’ Solstice Ace, 7 W, 1 kHz.  Solstice Ace can also operate anywhere in the range from 2 kHz - 10 kHz depending on customer requirements.  The resulting source configuration is simple, versatile, and readily-accessible to customers already using an equivalent Ti:sapphire-based femtosecond laser, eg. Spectra-Physics' Spitfire® Ace.

Spectra-Physics' Marketing Manager, Ian Read, Ph.D. and Regional Sales Manager, Tim Villenueve are very excited about the recent HHG integration results.  Dr. Read said, "We enjoyed the productive and positive collaboration with the KMLabs team to demonstrate the versatile performance of the Spectra-Physics Solstice Ace.  The ability to expand to coherent EUV generation is a significant advantage and extends the capability of all Solstice Ace users."

Filed under: High Harmonic, Ti:Sapphire, HHG, EUV, nanoscale characterization, ARPES, time-resolved ARPES, PEEM, quantum, ultrafast spectroscopy

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