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NEW ARTICLE: High-contrast imaging at the nanometer scale is increasingly critical for progress in a broad range of areas, including materials science, physics, biology, and chemistry.

Will Harris, Ph.D.

Both optical and x-ray microscopy are well-established tools, but nanoscale imaging with light in the intermediate range — specifically the extreme UV (λ ~8 to 80 nm) — has been neglected. This has been primarily because of a gap in available tools and techniques, so thus far the potential for progress has been relatively untapped.

Full article at Photonics Media online ...

Featured image: CDI imaging performed in a pump-probe arrangement to observe transient processes in a nickel nanoantenna on femto- to picosecond timescales. An IR pump was used to generate acoustic waves across the surface of the sample, which were observed with reflection CDI. Insets show 2D histograms of reconstructed amplitude and phase. Adapted with permission from R.M. Karl et al., Science Advances. 


Filed under: Coherent Diffractive Imaging, EUV, imaging, ARPES, extreme ultraviolet source, nanostructures, materials characterization, quantum

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